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3 ways to improve brain memory (smrjet8)

Secrets of having brilliant memory ( by smrjet8)

 How Can I Memorize? – Memory | DNA-X

 we have heard about people who remember things like they have recorded everything in their mind, no matter how long ago they've seen those things or did them. Even about Vedic times we've been told about that maharishis and sages who lived 4000 to 5000 years ago had it.

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when asked about how Vedas predates harrapan civilization and Aryan invasion theory. given that they can memorize whole Vedas taught by their teacher and pass on to the next generation in the similar way,

Ancient Rishis vs. Modern Science – Sanskriti - Hinduism and ...

I often wonder about such ability, I could have learnt things easily, excelled in my school tests, service exams, and in many things, of-course and could have remember all those sweet but heart breaking lies that my ex-girlfriend told me yeah!! it can be a curse at the same time !! so since, pros are bigger then cons we will talk about the methods to get such incredible memory.

So what exactly are the ways to develop  such incredible brain skill :

Well, we will be discussing  ways of improving brain from oldest to regular ones

1. Power of celibacy

Celibacy is state in which you abstain from any kind physical pleasure and sexual relations even from sexual thoughts. So Why our ancestors felt need to choose a path which devoid them of such carnal pleasures. Why did they choose to live in such monotonous way where such basic pleasures are prohibited?? The answer is semen retention.

 So this process involves celibacy to improve brain functioning and development.

 but how ? right! semen contains 10% of sperms 90% of vital  nutrients, so during celibacy all those vital nutrient remain unused which results in absorption of semen by blood. It is that enhanced blood which improves brain functioning helps producing powerful brain cells which helps in providing great degree of concentration and development of pulse called “medha” & according ayurveda medha pulse is the pulse of memory.

That is why most of monks, sages and even scientists observe celibacy as example you can consider swami Vivekananda, Nikola tesla, Ramakrishna paramhamsa, Sir Isaac newton, ramanujan etc.

2. Sketching

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Yeah its an artistic skill which many people consider it as an birth gift but no, it can be improved through regular practice and discipline .

Girl Artist Drawing a Portrait Stock Footage Video (100% Royalty ...

While it is true that many people have sketching as hobby or passion or even career and it helps developing brain in ways such as recognizing patterns, improving focus, developing intuitive sense of geometry, enhancing imagination power relieving stress and depression . 

Well I am perfect example of this, not bragging but sketching helped me in a lot ways ,

so the question is how sketching can do this ?

 well… when you sketch you become sensitive to the minute details of shape that you are imagining or on the object you’re focusing on and that’s how it thoroughly develops concentration power of brain, to such an extent that it turns ordinary memory into eidetic memory.

It actually develops synapses for our neuro transmitters which improves duration of short term memory and retentivtiy and various studies are done on improving brain memory through sketching Yale university and waterloo university are the example.


 You will even find sketch artists have high degree of concentration and they find themselves comfortable in sitting at place of 9- 10 hours. well we’ll discuss it later that what is the proper way to improve memory through sketching . Till then let’s have the rough idea of other ways

3. through memorizing stuff

What Does Memorization Have To Do with Learning? | The American ...

Yes the very ordinary way of memorizing textbook answers. Yes it is more of kind of  an exercise hence, it seems boring.

While it is most common way to improve brain memory and widely used, this method simply trains your brain to remember things, so how does this method Work? If you look in the parts of brain you’ll find hippocampus

that part of brain which mainly deals with episodic and spatial memory storage of the brain specifically it is memory card or hard drive of the brain.

 In which works the phenomenon of neural plasticity researchers found that through extended exercises in rote learning, learners can actually recall more information by building more synapses in neural network  and improves functioning of hippocampus,

Meet the Hippocampus: Memory, Internal GPS and Neurogenesis ...

repeated activation of memory structures promotes neural plasticity in the aging brain. The writing and rewriting and speaking trains brain to retain same information over and over again.

best part of our brain that it is lazy it just don’t want spend energy on same hard task doing again and again as a result brain began developing more neurons to store the information more efficiently to save up the energy similar to running or jogging or building stamina you remember how long you jogged on the day you decided that you’ll start running today after some days you could run longer than the first day of start.

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So what happened in between ?

Stamina didn’t magically to you,

it developed inside you because you practiced it same applies to the brain and its memory too we often forget brain is muscle which can be developed through brain specific exercises.

thanks for reading

image source : google
